- Information / Tutorials -
- The Core War Frequently Asked Questions from rec.games.corewar
- The Core War Glossary defines many of the terms used in Core War.
- View A. K. Dewdney's Scientific American articles that started it all!
- There are several infrequent Core War newsletters including:
Beginner's Guides:
- Modern Core Wars by Greg Lindahl, is a brief summary of how the game works.
- The Beginner's Guide To Corewar by Ilmari Karonen comes highly recommended. (mirror)
- Issues of Steve's Guide for Beginners: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
- Corewars For Dummies by J. K. Lewis is another good beginner's guide.
- Intro To Art In '88 by Mintardjo Wangsaw is a great tutorial.
- Introduction To Redcode, by Mark A. Durham:
- My First CoreWar Book, by Steven Morrell:
- Redcode '94 - Outline of the textual rules for writing a warrior file...
- The Corewar Bibliography - an index of Core War documents by subject.
- The Wilkies Benchmark Page tries to help beginners rate their warriors.
- The WilMoo Benchmark Page another attempt to help beginners create better warriors.
- The current ICWS '94 Draft states the rules to create a CoreWars simulator.
- The Corewar Global Masters was streamed on Twitch in 2022.
- The Easter Core War Tournament was a multiwarrior battle held in 2016.
- The Valentine Core War Tournament was held in 2015.
- The Halloween Core War Tournament pit vampire vs. non-vampire in 2014.
- The Spring 2014 Tournament was held at The Centre for Computing History in Cambridge, UK.
- The 2nd International Corewar Programming Contest was held in 2011.
- The 1st International Corewar Programming Contest a single round tournament from 2010.
- The Down The Core And More Tournament was held in 2006.
- Core War Spring Tournament, a classic double elimination tournament in 2006.
- Corewar Single Elimination Championship from 2005.
- The Spring / Summer Corewar Tournament in 2002 was played over five rounds.
- KoFaCoTo, the KotH.org Fall Corewars Tournament in 2000, first prize $500.
- The Oversby Autumn 1998 Tournament.
- Corewar Maniacs Tournament. (January to April 1998)
- Nandor and Stefan's Fall Core War Tournament. (October to December 1995)
- Warriors submitted to the 1990 ICWS Tourney.
- Warriors submitted to the 1989 ICWS Tourney.
Scientific Information:
- The Math of Corewar Step Sizes by Steven Morell is a mind-blowing document, not for the faint of heart!
- The VENUS and Tierra artificial life programs are inspired by Core War.
- Core Wars Genetics: The Evolution of Predation by John Perry.
- Newton's Corewars Evolution Webpage has lots of genetic algorithm information.
- corelife.zip and c-lifej1.zip are a two-dimensional programming game which resembles Core War.