From: (Mark A. Durham)
Subject: Intro to Redcode Part II
Organization: Rice University, Houston, TX
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1991 09:45:13 GMT

IV. Address Modes

   Addressing modes subtly (sometimes not-so-subtly) alter the
behaviour of instructions.  A somewhat brief description of their
general properties is given here.  Specifics will be left to the
instruction set section.
   An octothorpe (#) is used to indicate an operand with an Immediate
Address Mode.  Immediate mode data is contained in the current
instruction's field.  If the A-mode is immediate, the data is in the
A-field.  If the B-mode is immediate, the data is in the B-field.
   If no mode indicator is present (86: or the US dollar sign '$' is
present), Direct Address Mode is used.  Direct addresses refer to
instructions relative to the current instruction.  Address 0 refers to
the current instruction.  Direct address -1 refers to the (physically)
previous instruction.  Direct address +1 refers to the (physically)
next instruction.
   The commercial-at (@) is used to indicate Indirect Address Mode.
In indirect addressing, the indirect address points to an instruction
as in direct addressing, except the target is not the instruction to
which the indirect address points but rather the instruction pointed
to by the B-field of the instruct pointed to by the indirect address.

x-2     DAT  #0,  #0   ; Target instruction.
x-1     DAT  #0, #-1   ; Pointer instruction.
x       MOV   0, @-1   ; Copies this instruction to location x-2.

   The less-than (<) is used to indicate (86: Auto-, 88: Pre-)
Decrement Indirect Address Mode.  Its behaviour is just like that of
Indirect Address Mode, except the pointer is decremented before use.

x-2     DAT  #0,  #0   ; Target instruction
x-1     DAT  #0,  #0   ; Pointer instruction.  Compare to @ example.
x       MOV   0, <-1   ; Copies this instruction to location x-2.

Commentary: Although Decrement Indirect addressing appears to be a
    simple extension of Indirect addressing, it is really very tricky
    at times - especially when combined with DJN.  There are sematic
    differences between the '86 and '88 standards, thus the change in
    name from Auto-Decrement to Pre-Decrement.  These differences are
    discussed below.  This discussion is non-essential for the average
    Redcode programmer.  I suggesting skipping to the next section for
    the weak-stomached.

86: Durham: Instructions are fetched from memory into an instruction
    register.  Each operand is evaluated, storing a location (into an
    address register) and an instruction (into a value register) for
    each operand.  After the operands have been evaluated, the
    instruction is executed.
   Operand Evaluation: If the mode is immediate, the address register
    is loaded with 0 (the current instruction's address) and the value
    register is loaded with the current instruction.  If the mode is
    direct, the address register is loaded with the field value and
    the value register is loaded with the instruction pointed to by
    the address register.  If the mode is indirect, the address
    register is loaded with the sum of the field value and the B-field
    value of the instruction pointed to by the field value and the
    value register is loaded with the instruction pointed to by the
    address register.  If the mode is auto-decrement, the address
    register is loaded with a value one less than the sum of the field
    value and the B-field value of the instruction pointed to by the
    field value and the value register is loaded with the instruction
    pointed to by the address register.  AFTER the operands have been
    evaluated (but before instruction execution), if either mode was
    auto-decrement, the appropriate memory location is decremented.
    If both modes were auto-decrement and both fields pointed to the
    same pointer, that memory location is decremented twice.  Note
    that this instruction in memory then points to a different
    instruction than either operand and also differs from any copies
    of it in registers.
86: Other: As above, except there are no registers.  Everything is
    done in memory.
Commentary: ICWS'86 clearly states the use of an instruction register,
    but the other operand address and value registers are only
    implied.  Ambiguities and lack of strong statements delineating
    what takes place in memory and what takes place in registers
    condemned ICWS'86 to eternal confusion and gave birth to ICWS'88.
88: As above except everything is done in memory and Pre-Decrement
    Indirect replaces Auto-Decrement Indirect.  Pre-Decrement Indirect
    decrements memory as it is evaluating the operands rather than
    after.  It evaluates operand A before evaluating operand B.


V. Instruction Set

   The DAT (data) instruction serves two purposes.  First, it allows
you to store data for use as pointers, offsets, etc.  Second, any task
which executes a DAT instruction is removed from the task queue.  When
all of warrior's tasks have been removed from the queue, that warrior
has lost.
86: DAT allows only one operand - the B-operand.  The A-field is left
    undefined (the example shows #0), but comparisons of DAT
    instructions with identical B-operands must yield equality.
88: DAT allows two operands but only two modes - immediate and
X: DAT takes one or two operands and accepts all modes.  If only one
    operand is present, that operand is considered to be the B-operand
    and the A-operand defaults to #0.
Commentary: It is important to note that any decrement(s) WILL occur
    before the task is removed from the queue since the instruction
    executes only after the operand evaluation.

   The MOV (move) instruction either copies a field value (if either
mode is immediate) or an entire instruction (if neither mode is
immediate) to another location in core (from A to B).
86: Durham: MOV #a, #b changes itself to MOV #a, #a.
Commentary: There is a clear typographical error in ICWS'86 which
    changes the interpretation of MOV #a, B to something non-sensical.
    For those with a copy of ICWS'86, delete the term "B-field" from
    the next-to-last line of the second column on page 4.
88: No immediate B-modes are allowed.
X: Immediate B-modes are allowed and have the same effect as a
    B-operand of 0.  (See 86: Durham: above).

86: The ADD instruction adds the value at the A-location to the value
    at the B-location, replacing the B-location's old contents.
88: If the A-mode is immediate, ADD is interpreted as above.  If the
    A-mode is not immediate, both the A-field and the B-field of the
    instruction pointed to by the A-operand are added to the A-field
    and B-field of the instruction pointed to by the B-operand,
    respectively.  The B-mode can not be immediate.
X: Immediate B-modes are allowed and have the same effect as in 86:.
    Example: ADD #2, #3 becomes ADD #2, #5 when executed once.

   The SUB (subtract) instruction is interpreted as above for all
three cases, except A is subtracted from B.

   The JMP (jump) instruction changes the instruction pointer to point
to the instruction pointed to by the A-operand.
86: JMP allows only one operand - the A-operand.  The B-operand is
    shown as #0.
88: JMP allows both operands, but the A-mode can not be immediate.
X: JMP allows both operands and the A-mode can be immediate.  An
    immediate A-mode operand is treated just like JMP 0, B when

   The JMZ (jump if zero) instruction jumps to the instruction pointed
to by the A-operand only if the B-field of the instruction pointed to
by the B-operand is zero.
88: Immediate A-modes are not allowed.

   The JMN (jump if non-zero) instruction jumps to the instruction
pointed to by the A-operand only if the B-field of the instruction
pointed to by the B-operand is non-zero.
88: Immediate A-modes are not allowed.

   The DJN (decrement and jump if non-zero) instruction causes the
B-field of the instruction pointed to by the B-operand to be
decremented.  If the decremented values is non-zero, a jump to the
instruction pointed to by the A-operand is taken.
88: Immediate A-modes are not allowed.

   The CMP (compare, skip if equal) instruction compares two fields
(if either mode is immediate) or two entire instructions (if neither
mode is immediate) and skips the next instruction if the two are
Commentary: There is a clear typographical error in ICWS'86 which
    changes the interpretation of CMP #a, B to something non-sensical.
    For those with a copy of ICWS'86, delete the term "B-field" from
    the fifth line from the bottom of the second column on page 5.
    Also, the comments to the example on page 6 have been switched
    (equal is not equal and vice versa).  The labels are correct
88: Immediate B-modes are not allowed.

   The SPL (split) instruction splits the execution between this
warrior's currently running tasks and a new task.  Example: A battle
between two warriors, 1 and 2, where warrior 1 has two tasks (1 and
1') and warrior 2 has only one task would look like this: 1, 2, 1', 2,
1, 2, 1', 2, etc.
86: SPL allows only one operand - the B-operand.  The A-operand is
    shown as #0.  After executing the SPL, the next instruction to
    execute for this warrior is that of the newly added task (the new
    task is placed at the front of the task queue).  A maximum of 64
    tasks is allowed for each warrior.
88: SPL splits the A-operand, not the B-operand.  After executing the
    SPL, the next instruction to execute for this warrior is the same
    instruction which would have executed had another task not been
    added (the new task is placed at the back of the task queue).
    There is no explicit task limit on warriors.  Immediate A-operands
    are not allowed.
X: Immediate A-operands are allowed and behave as SPL 0, B when

88: SLT A, B: The SLT (skip if less than) instruction skips the next
    instruction if A is less than B.  No Immediate B-modes are
X: Immediate B-modes are allowed.

X: XCH A, B: The XCH (exchange) instructions exchanges the A-field and
    the B-field of the instruction pointed to by the A-operand.

X: PCT A, B: The PCT (protect) instruction protects the instruction
    pointed to by the A-operand until the protection is removed by an
    instruction attempting to copy over the protected instruction.

Pseudo-Ops: Instructions to the Assembler

    The END pseudo-op indicates the end of the Redcode source program.
86: END takes no operands.
88: If END is followed by a label, the first instruction to be
    executed is that with the label following END.
X: ORG A (origin) takes over this initial instruction function from
Commentary: If no initial instruction is identified, the first
    instruction of your program will be the initial instruction.  You
    can accomplish the same effect as "END start" or "ORG start" by
    merely starting your program with the instruction "JMP start".

86: SPACE A, B: The SPACE pseudo-op helps pretty-up Redcode source
    listings.  SPACE A, B means to skip A lines, then keep B lines on
    the next page.  Some assemblers do not support SPACE, but will
    treat it as a comment.

88: label EQU A: The EQU (equate) pseudo-op gives the programmer a
    macro-like facility by replacing every subsequent occurrence of
    the label "label" with the string "A".
Commentary: A normal label is a relative thing.  Example:

x       DAT  #0,  #x   ; Here x is used in the B-field
x+1     DAT  #0,  #x   ; Each instruction's B-field gives
x+2     DAT  #0,  #x   ;    the offset to x.

is the same as

x       DAT  #0,  #0   ; Offset of zero
x+1     DAT  #0, #-1   ;    one
x+2     DAT  #0, #-2   ;    two


x!      EQU   0        ; Equate label like #define x! 0
        DAT  #0,  #x!  ; Exclamation points can be used
        DAT  #0,  #x!  ;    in labels (in Extended systems)
        DAT  #0,  #x!  ; I use them exclusively to indicate
                       ;    immediate equate labels.

is the same as

        DAT  #0,  #0   ; A direct text replacement
        DAT  #0,  #0   ;    appears the same on every
        DAT  #0,  #0   ;    line it is used.
