    Follow Up Information on Round 3
    On http://www.koth.org/pmars a placed a new version of the Perl program
    I used to make my p^3 warrior for round 3 of kofacoto.
    Look in the "Other" section to download it.
    The new version by default goes to the warrior in state 0 when brainwashed,
    but it also informs you that it's possible to reach this spot via
    brainwashing... pretty slick now.
    If you use the input which it shows by default when you run the
    program, you get the following output.
    C:\CWAR\BIG>perl p3-1.pl input.txt
    PSTATE equ 100 ; change this so its tougher to guess
    think   ldp.a  #0,      in
            ldp.a  #PSTATE, table
            mod.ba *in,     table
            stp.b  *table,  #PSTATE
    table   jmp    }0,      175
            dat    w0,      50
            dat    w1,      177
            dat    w1,      192
    in      dat    w0,      6 ; brainwashing with 4 will use this a-field
            dat    w0,      5 ; brainwashing with 5 will use this a-field
            dat    0,       7
    I used the new version, and re-ran the battles from Round 3 without
    the brainwashing bug.  As expected, Schmidt's warrior, which relied
    most heavily on my warrior's bug, was hit hardest, falling from 2nd
    place to like 14th place.  Moore's warrior still came in first with
    an amazing score thanks to his clairvoyant ability to figure out the
    exact step size of my paper!  Look at this line from his warrior!
    What a sneaky bastard... hehe.
    dist  equ  3520  ;distance between silk copies 
    Anyway, here's the results when I re-ran them without the bug.
    HSA-Clone by Andy Nevermind scores 193
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 391
    Results: 9 75 166
    Oneder by Ben Ford scores 272
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 239
    Results: 11 0 239
    HoT by Christian Schmidt scores 252
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 249
    Results: 1 0 249
    The Truth Is Out There by David Moore scores 608
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 125
    Results: 197 36 17
    v1_40.red by Dave Hillis scores 175
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 412
    Results: 4 83 163
    Tie by Ilmari Karonen scores 244
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 262
    Results: 0 6 244
    Voodoo by Jeremy Chin scores 7
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 736
    Results: 0 243 7
    Hope by John Metcalf scores 257
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 254
    Results: 6 5 239
    The Brain Hungry by Leonardo H. Liporati scores 169
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 544
    Results: 44 169 37
    Rainbow Demon by Lukasz Adamowski scores 242
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 281
    Results: 5 18 227
    mySpiral by Magnus Paulsson scores 409
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 310
    Results: 126 93 31
    4-line Bomb Dodger by Josh Yeager scores 164
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 446
    Results: 8 102 140
    Reverse Engineering by Michal Janeczek scores 571
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 166
    Results: 186 51 13
    FireHouse by P.Kline scores 436
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 241
    Results: 121 56 73
    55HSB by Robert Macrae scores 476
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 272
    Results: 158 90 2
    Spray 'n Wipe by Steve Gunnell scores 329
    Black Box v1.1 by JKW scores 386
    Results: 98 117 35