
Really Frenzy II (Lukasz Grabun) 2002-02-08 [post] boot, clear, gate, quick, scan
Really Frenzy (Lukasz Grabun) 2001-12-05 [post] quick, scan, clear, gate, boot
Vain (Ian Oversby) 2001-04-26 [post] imp, stone, gate, clear, quick
Certain Abuse (Dave Hillis) 2001-02-19 [Core Warrior 79] quick, stone, other, pspace
Banpei (Ben Ford) 2000-12-06 [post] stone, stun, clear, gate, quick, scan
SwitchBlade (Ben Ford) 2000-12-06 [post] pspace, scan, stone, quick, imp
Stone Throwing Devils (Ben Ford) 2000-12-06 [post] stone, imp, quick, scan
KafuFFLe (John Metcalf) 2000-11-10 [Core Warrior 78] quick, scan, stone, paper
Combatra (David Moore) 2000-11-10 [Core Warrior 78] quick, scan, clear, stone, pspace, other
Return Of The Jedimp (John K. Wilkinson) 2000-09-28 [post] quick, scan, paper, imp
Cinnamon (John Metcalf) 2000-04-14 [Core Warrior 77] quick, scan, imp, paper
Stillborn Bomber v0.2 (M Joonas Pihlaja) 1999-11-08 [post] quick, scan, stone, stun, clear
No More Innocuous (Leonardo H. Liporati) 1999-09-25 [post] quick, scan, paper
Baseline Deluxe (Ken Espiritu) 1999-09-25 [post] quick, scan, imp, stone
Jaguar (Christian Schmidt) 1999-09-25 [post] quick, scan, stone, imp
Quick Thinking (Ben Ford) 1999-09-06 [post] quick, scan, stun, other
Icepick (Ben Ford) 1999-08-15 [post] stone, imp, gate, clear, quick, scan
Baseline Plus (Ken Espiritu) 1999-07-29 [Core Warrior 74] quick, scan, imp, stone
Puddleglum (John Metcalf) 1999-05-28 [Core Warrior 73] quick, scan, paper, stone
Recovery (Ian Oversby) 1999-05-28 [Core Warrior 73] quick, scan, paper, stone
Newt v0.2 (Ian Oversby) 1998-08-20 [Core Warrior 69] quick, scan, imp, stone
Scanitator Pro (Christian Schmidt) 1998-06-29 [mail] quick, scan, pspace, paper, stone, boot
Digitalis 4 (Christian Schmidt) 1998-06-29 [mail] quick, scan, clear, imp, boot, gate
The Fugitive (David Moore) 1998-06-09 [Core Warrior 68] quick, scan, paper, imp
Alien (Christian Schmidt) 1998-05-18 [Core Warrior 67] quick, scan, stone, imp, boot
Bipolar (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] quick, scan, clear, gate, paper, other
Cut and paste (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 9)] quick, scan, stone, boot
Small Graft (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] quick, scan, imp, stone
The Paperboy and his silver bullet (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] quick, scan, pspace, paper, stone, boot
qbomber v .569 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7)] quick, stone, boot, gate, clear
Recycled Paper (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] quick, scan, paper
Demented 4.0 (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] quick, scan, clear, gate
Whatever (Ilmari Karonen) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 6)] quick, scan, other, clear, gate, boot
Shoot from the hip (WolfWings) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] quick, scan, stone
Quick and Dirty (Damien "Planar" Doligez) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] quick, scan, stone, imp, boot
Freight Train (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] imp, stone, quick, scan, boot
Kitchen Sink II (Robert Macrae) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] quick, scan, paper, clear, stone, boot
Foggy swamp (Beppe Bezzi) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 5)] quick, scan, boot, stun, clear
Multitude (Robert Hale) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 3)] clear, quick, scan, boot, gate
Qwill v3 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 2)] quick, scan, stone, boot
Funky Monks (David Moore) 1998-04-29 [Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 1)] quick, scan, pspace, paper, boot, clear, gate
Newt (Ian Oversby) 1998-04-26 [post, mail] quick, scan, stone, imp, boot
arsonic 2.1 (Paul-Virak Khuong) 1998-04-18 [post] quick, scan, stone, stun, clear
qDeath 2.1 (Ryan Coleman, Philip Kendall) 1998-04-13 [mail] quick, scan, stun, clear, boot
qDeath v .269 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-08 [Core Warrior 66] quick, scan, stun, clear
qDeath 2.2 (Ryan Coleman, Philip Kendall) 1998-04-08 [Core Warrior 66] quick, scan, stun, clear, boot
qbomber v .469 (Ryan Coleman) 1998-04-01 [post] quick, stone, boot, stun, clear, gate
Freight Train v0.2 (David Moore) 1998-03-12 [post] imp, stone, quick, scan, boot
Head or Tail (Christian Schmidt) 1998-01-28 [post] quick, scan, paper
Benj's Revenge 1.0 (aka "obvious") (Robert Macrae) 1998-01-08 [mail, Core Warrior 64] paper, scan, quick, boot
Digitalis 2 (Christian Schmidt) 1997-10-13 [Core Warrior 63] quick, scan, clear, boot, imp
C^3 (Christian Schmidt) 1997-10-13 [Core Warrior 63] quick, scan, clear, boot
unrequited love (Kafka) 1997-04-07 [post] quick, scan, paper
QuickD (Franz) 1997-03-06 [post] quick, scan, clear
Scanitator 4 (Christian Schmidt) 1997-02-16 [mail] quick, scan, pspace, paper, stone, boot
Terkonit 0.4 (Christian Schmidt) 1997-02-16 [mail] quick, scan, boot, paper, imp
RetroQ (Paul Kline) 1997-01-22 [Core Warrior 54] quick, scan, imp, stone, boot, paper, imp
Gigolo (Beppe Bezzi, Myer Bremer, Anton Marsden) 1996-12-20 [Core Warrior 53] quick, scan, stone, imp, boot
Scanitator 3.0 (Christian Schmidt) 1996-12-18 [post] quick, scan, pspace, paper, stone, boot
Q^2 ala Franz (Franz) 1996-12-17 [post] quick, scan
Stone One (Philip Kendall) 1996-12-16 [?] quick, scan, boot, stone, imp, clear
Fast Fast Fast (Franz) 1996-12-13 [post] quick, scan, paper
Sandstorm Q/0.6c (Ilmari Karonen) 1996-12-11 [mail] quick, scan, vamp, stun, pspace, boot, stone, clear, imp, gate
The Survivor II (Philip Kendall) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament rounds 6,7,8] quick, scan, paper, imp
Nine Seven Six (Myer R. Bremer) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 4] quick, scan, stone, imp, clear, gate
Hammermill 4.0 (Matt Lewinski) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 4] quick, scan, paper
Surviver (Anton Marsden) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 4] quick, scan, boot, paper, vamp, stun
Leapfrog (David Moore) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 3] quick, scan, stone, paper, clear, gate, boot
mayhem.qlp (harleyQ2) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] quick, scan, boot, clear, gate
Yet Another Try 2LP (Justin Kao) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] quick, scan, boot, clear
Touch (Matt Lewinski) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] quick, scan, clear
Triad (Robert Macrae) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 2] quick, scan, stone, clear, boot
CC Paper 3T (Franz) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] quick, scan, paper, clear, gate
mayhem.q (harleyQ2) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] quick, scan, stun, boot, clear, gate
Damage Incorporated (Anton Marsden) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] quick, scan, stone, stun, clear, gate
Fleetfoot in a Rose-Garden (Robert Macrae) 1996-12-09 [Beppe's tournament round 1] quick, scan, stone, imp
CC Paper 2 (Franz) 1996-10-31 [post] quick, scan, paper, clear, boot
Frogz (Franz) 1996-10-31 [post] quick, scan, boot, paper
Sandstorm Q/0.5b (Ilmari Karonen) 1996-10-25 [mail] quick, scan, vamp, stun, pspace, boot, stone, clear, gate
Enough is enough! (Ilmari Karonen) 1996-10-25 [mail] quick, scan, paper, boot
Sandstorm Q/0.4 (Ilmari Karonen) 1996-10-20 [post] quick, scan, vamp, stun, pspace, boot, stone, clear, gate
Barbarian 3 (Franz) 1996-10-06 [post] quick, scan, stone, imp
Kitchen Sink 2.1 (Franz) 1996-09-25 [mail] quick, scan, boot, paper, boot
QIMP (Franz) 1996-09-25 [mail] quick, scan, imp
Neverending Brutality 7 (Franz) 1996-09-18 [post, mail] quick, scan, stun, vamp, pspace, clear, gate, boot
Earthquake v0.2 (Björn Günzel, Ian Oversby) 1996-08-08 [mail] quick, scan, boot, stun, clear, stone
Ick v1.5 (Justin Kao) 1996-08-04 [post] quick, scan, stone, boot, clear, stun, gate
Probe (Anton Marsden) 1996-07-29 [Core Warrior 40, Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 7), Redcode Maniacs Tournament (round 8)] quick, scan, boot, stone, stun, clear, gate
Yet 4b (Justin Kao) 1996-07-16 [post] quick, scan, stun, boot, clear
Q^2 (Anders Ivner) 1996-07-07 [Core Warrior 37] quick, scan
Twister (Beppe Bezzi) 1996-06-24 [Core Warrior 35] quick, scan, stone, gate, vamp, stun, boot
Yet Another Try 1.0b (Justin Kao) 1996-06-12 [post] quick, scan, stun, boot, clear, gate
Flurry (Anton Marsden) 1996-05-27 [Core Warrior 31] quick, scan, stone, other, paper, pspace, gate, clear
Barrage (Anton Marsden) 1996-04-22 [post] quick, scan, paper, pspace
Stepping Stone (Kurt Franke) 1996-04-15 [Core Warrior 25] quick, scan, boot, vamp, stun, clear, pspace
Thermite II (Robert Macrae) 1996-04-09 [Core Warrior 24] quick, scan, stun, stone, boot, clear, gate
Blizzard (Anton Marsden) 1996-03-24 [post] quick, scan, paper
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] quick, scan, boot, stone
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] quick, scan, boot, stone
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] quick, scan, boot, stone
Uvavu (Scott Manley) 1996-03-19 [Web page] quick, scan, boot, stone
Hector 2 (Kurt Franke) 1996-01-29 [post] quick, scan, paper
Clear Sighted v1 (JS Pulido) 1995-12-21 [post] quick, scan, boot, clear, stun
One Fat Lady (Robert Macrae) 1995-12-20 [post, NSFCWT round 9, post] quick, scan, vamp, imp, clear
Bigboy (Robert Macrae) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 8] pspace, quick, scan, stun, stone
MisterBump (Derek Ross) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 8] quick, scan, stun, clear
safeclear (Anders Ivner) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 2] quick, scan, clear
Leprechaun on speed (Anders Ivner) 1995-12-20 [NSFCWT round 1] quick, scan, clear, gate
La Bomba (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-12-18 [Core Warrior 9] quick, scan, stone, paper
Slayer (Randy Graham) 1995-12-05 [post, NSFCWT round 7] quick, vamp, stun, clear, pspace, boot, stone, paper, imp
Thermite 1.0 (Robert Macrae) 1995-11-13 [Core Warrior 5] quick, vamp, stone, stun, clear, gate
Phq (Maurizio Vittuari) 1995-11-13 [Core Warrior 5] quick, scan, pspace, paper
Die Hard (Paul Kline) 1995-11-07 [post, NSFCWT round 1, NSFCWT round 3] quick, vamp, stun, clear, pspace, paper, imp
Qtest04 (Beppe Bezzi) 1995-10-28 [posted by mistake] quick, scan, stone, boot, gate, clear
Die Hard (Paul Kline) 1995-10-03 [mail] quick, vamp, stun, clear, pspace, paper, imp
Queasy 1.4 (Robert Macrae) 1995-04-05 [post] quick, scan, vamp, stone
Strahd the Night Hunter (Randy Graham) 1995-04-03 [post] quick, scan, vamp, stun
QuickFreeze v1.5 (Paul Kline) 1995-03-11 [post] quick, scan, paper, other
Qcmp-Hunter v0.5 (Randy Graham) 1995-02-28 [post] quick, scan, boot, stun, clear, gate
Quick-Scan '88 Prototype (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-11-30 [The '94 Warrior 14] quick, scan, stun
Quick-Scan '94 Prototype (Brant D. Thomsen) 1994-11-30 [The '94 Warrior 14] quick, scan, stun
Pyramid v5.5 (Michael Constant) 1994-08-25 [posts] quick, scan, vamp, stun, clear
Aleph 0 (Jay "Thierry" Han) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 4, post] vamp, stun, clear, stone, imp, quick, gate
Sauron T (Michael Constant) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 2] clear, stun, gate, imp, quick, scan, stone
Sauron v2.4 (Michael Constant) 1994-05-20 [EBS spring tournament 94 round 1] quick, scan, clear, stun, gate, imp, stone
Pyramid v2.0 (Michael Constant) 1994-05-07 [post] scan, vamp, stun, quick
Der Zweite Blitzkrieg - 94 (Mike "Schitzo" Nonemacher) 1994-04-20 [post] scan, stun, imp, stone, clear, gate, quick
Sauron v1.8 (Michael Constant) 1994-04-19 [post] scan, stun, clear, imp, stone, quick
Blitzkrieg (Mike "Schitzo" Nonemacher) 1994-01-28 [post] stone, clear, quick, scan, stun
Fast Food v2.1 (Brant D. Thomsen) 1993-12-31 [post] scan, vamp, stun, quick, boot, gate
QuickFreeze (Paul Kline) 1993-09-15 [posts] quick, scan, paper
Infester (Gerald Frost) 1990 [ICWS tournament 1990] quick, stone, clear, paper
UMACCP (Gabriele De Masi) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] quick, boot, stone, clear
HYPRAY (Francesco Botta) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] quick, scan, boot, clear, vamp, stun
KILI (Francesco Botta, Pieramato Gramenzi) 1989 [ICWS tournament 1989] quick, boot, stun, vamp, clear
spider net (Eiji Kako) 1987-12-22 [Web page] quick, stone, stun