Portable MARS is the official Core War simulator of the ICWS and the rec.games.corewar newsgroup. pMARS serves as a test bed for new Redcode standards and tournament styles. It has also been used in genetic algorithm experiments and as an assembly language teaching aid. pMARS is under active development by a group of Core War enthusiasts who put a lot of time into this project.
Latest versions of pMARS:
- pMARS source v0.9.4. The latest version, with support for read/write limits and several bug fixes. A Windows binary compiled with MinGW is available.
- pMARS source v0.9.2. The most recent version from the Corewar Sourceforge project page. Here's a Windows binary compiled with MinGW.
- SDL pMARS v0.9.2-5. Joonas Pihlaja's port of pMARS, with SDL core display. Source code and Windows binaries are available.
Alternative MARS Software:
- CoreWin 2.3 is a MARS for Windows, programmed by Chip Wendell.
- nMars - A .NET implementation of MARS with IDE, under LGPL.
- Harald's A.R.E.S. is a Core War simulator for Windows with a number of extensions.
- Brian Haskin's Java Core War simulator: jMARS.
Older versions of pMARS:
- pMARS source v0.8.6. This is a new version which should be faster on x86 machines. (tar.Z archive)
- pMARS source v0.8.0. (INFO-zip archive)
- pMARS source v0.8.0. (tar.Z archive)
Software to Evolve Warriors:
- Yace is an efficient evolver written by Martin Ankerl.
- Barkley Vowk has developed the CCAI and JNSL evolvers.
- Terry Newton has written several evolvers, REBS, Fizzle and Redmaker.
- RedRace is software to evolve warriors written by Dave Hillis.
- Loren Jamison wrote the Corewar Redcode Evolver software.
Other Core War Software:
- Accessory programs (pShell, MTS, ..). pShell is very useful.
- Perl program for generating p^3 redcode snippets. What is p^3? Need Perl?