
[6:10:05]slack1 : Ok, will be back on Monday next week.
[9:11:45]digital.wilderness : <@UBPRDB1U6> the index.html appears to have vanished from . Currently seeing an AWS error page.
[13:35:11]john.kipling.lewis : PM him that message <@UBRM64Z7G>
[13:40:15]digital.wilderness : Done. I think @ mentions also send an email notification though. Everything else appears to be working, it's just the homepage :disappointed:
[13:43:55]john.kipling.lewis : I just remember him asking for a DM because he wasn't monitoring the chat flow. @ mentions might send an email alert, but I think you can opt out of that... not sure. DM is going to get some attention for sure, so better safe and double sure.
[13:58:56]slack1 : Its fixed. index.html was gone and thats its default reaction. I think it might have been that copy again.
[13:59:08]slack1 : Can't investigate right now.
[14:00:49]digital.wilderness : Thanks for fixing. Is the copy daily?