;redcode end ;name Cannon Jr ;author Zul Nadzri ;assert CORESIZE==8000 ;strategy reduced cannonade component,...with reduced strength (a lot!) ; ;This round is in 88 code and my opponent is David Moore. Good timing eh? ;I'll prepare for vampire and scanner. I hope it's not PacMan this time. ;Warrior Summary: ;This is actually cannonade engine without the spirals. I add another ;code for an extra core clear. Difficult to attack small&fast dclear type ;warriors. Cannon spl s2, <1700 bomb mov dcl-1, desti mov dcl, desti mov dcl+1, desti mov dcl+2, desti mov dcl+3, desti+1 jmp bomb+desti+1,<6000 mov <6,1 dcl spl -1,<2 add 3,-2 djn -2,<-2858 mov 190,<-190 for MAXLENGTH-CURLINE-11 dat #dcl, #sec rof sec jmz 0,-21 spl 1,<0 mov -3,<-400 djn -1,<4000 mov 0,1 s2 mov sec,destj mov sec+1,destj mov sec+2,destj mov sec+3,destj mov sec+4,destj jmp destj+s2 destj equ 2667+200-404 desti equ 2667+200-28 end Cannon