;redcode ;name Consort ;author Robert Hale ;contact rghale@market1.com ;assert 1 ;strategy A simple bubble sort. ;strategy Optimized to be long and slow. ;) ;strategy Ok maybe not so long but it is a N^2 sort. ITEMS equ (CORESIZE/2) ITEMLIST equ (CORESIZE/4) inc add.f #1, comp comp slt.b ITEMLIST, ITEMLIST+1 done jmp loop, #1 swap mov.i *comp, tEnd+1 mov.i @comp, *comp mov.i tEnd+1, @comp mov.ab #0, done loop djn inc, #ITEMS-1 check jmn.b tEnd+1, done ;reset flag, counter and pointers mov.ab #1, done mov.ab #ITEMS-1, loop sub.a #ITEMS-2, comp sub.ab #ITEMS-2, comp tEnd jmp comp end comp