;redcode-DS ;name Pieface ;author PhilB ;strategy One-Shot Scanner with S/S/D clear. ;strategy (LuckyLuke) ;assert 1 ;kill Pieface ptr EQU (sptr-21) ;clean like Geist bptr: dat 1, 2+7+(bptr-ptr) jbmb: dptr: spl #ptr+450, 2+7+(bptr-ptr) dat 0, 0 clr: spl #125, }ptr mov *bptr, >ptr mov *bptr, >ptr djn.f -2, }dptr for 6 dat 0, 0 rof ;find like LuckyLuke MA EQU ( 581 ) MB EQU ( 73 ) scan: mul.ab #MA, sptr jmz.f scan, @sptr ;>sptr is nice with diff contants sptr: spl clr, MB mov.b sptr, ptr mov.i jbmb, @sptr dat 0, 0 isnigh: jmp scan,