; Since the deadline for round 6 has passed (I hope)........ ; Here is my round six entry. I didn't know the final decision on the ; handshake issure so I sent one that had the handshake code and one that ; didn't. Included below is just the non handshaker. I don't know how ; this guy will do against "human" opponents. ; Have fun and go easy on this guy. :) ;redcode-94 ;name The Thinker (w/o handshake) ;strategy Think about what you want to do then do it. ;strategy Actually, keep track of what opponent does next ;strategy after each situation (ie Me-Rock/Him-Paper) and ;strategy choose the strategy that beats what opponent does ;strategy most often. ;strategy I hope it is good enough. Still having a few problems ;strategy with white #6, but haven't had time to try anything else. ;author Karl Lewin ;contact lewin@netcom.com ;NSFCWT Entry for Round 6 ;Needs to be paired with one opponent exactly half the coresize apart (-d 4000) ; WARRIORS==1 || (WARRIORS == 2 && MINDISTANCE == CORESIZE/2) ;assert VERSION >= 80 ;assert 1 ;my/your_hand are used to communicate between players your_hand equ (my_hand+CORESIZE/2) PAPER equ #1 ;some useful constants SCISSORS equ #2 STONE equ #3 org start my_hand dat 0,0 ; ; Variable part starts here. This is were I decide what hand to ; use next. I can use the value of the RESULTS cell (0 if lost, ; 1 if won, 2 if tied last round) and any other values I chose ; to store in pspace. The hand I decide to show is stored in the ; B-field of instruction 'my_hand'. ;---BEGIN-VARIABLE-PART---------------------------------------------------- WIN EQU #1 LOSS EQU #0 TIE EQU #2 P_off EQU #-3 S_off EQU #-2 R_off EQU #-1 ROCK EQU #3 _RES EQU #0 _RND EQU #5 _MYLST1 EQU #1 _MYLST2 EQU #2 _OPLST1 EQU #3 _OPLST2 EQU #4 PP_P_S EQU #111 PP_S_R EQU #112 PP_R_P EQU #113 PS_P_S EQU #121 PS_S_R EQU #122 PS_R_P EQU #123 PR_P_S EQU #131 PR_S_R EQU #132 PR_R_P EQU #133 SP_P_S EQU #211 SP_S_R EQU #212 SP_R_P EQU #213 SS_P_S EQU #221 SS_S_R EQU #222 SS_R_P EQU #223 SR_P_S EQU #231 SR_S_R EQU #232 SR_R_P EQU #233 RP_P_S EQU #311 RP_S_R EQU #312 RP_R_P EQU #313 RS_P_S EQU #321 RS_S_R EQU #322 RS_R_P EQU #323 RR_P_S EQU #331 RR_S_R EQU #332 RR_R_P EQU #333 start round ldp.ab _RND, round nop >round stp.b round, _RND wlt ldp.b _RES, wlt seq.ab #-1, wlt jmp dtrmopp for 1 stp.ab #1, PP_S_R stp.ab #1, PS_S_R stp.ab #1, PR_S_R stp.ab #1, SP_R_P stp.ab #1, SS_R_P stp.ab #1, SR_R_P stp.ab #1, RP_P_S stp.ab #1, RS_P_S stp.ab #1, RR_P_S rof mov.a ROCK, choice jmp store dtrmopp mylst1 ldp.ab _MYLST1,mylst1 mylst2 ldp.ab _MYLST2,mylst2 oplst2 ldp.ab _OPLST2,oplst2 oplst1 nop 0, 0 sne.ab WIN, wlt jmp win sne.ab TIE, wlt jmp tie loss sne.ab ROCK, mylst1 jmp op_is_P sne.ab PAPER, mylst1 jmp op_is_S sne.ab SCISSORS,mylst1 jmp op_is_R win sne.ab ROCK, mylst1 jmp op_is_S sne.ab PAPER, mylst1 jmp op_is_R sne.ab SCISSORS,mylst1 jmp op_is_P tie sne.ab ROCK, mylst1 jmp op_is_R sne.ab PAPER, mylst1 jmp op_is_P sne.ab SCISSORS,mylst1 jmp op_is_S op_is_R mov ROCK, oplst1 jmp prjct op_is_P mov PAPER, oplst1 jmp prjct op_is_S mov SCISSORS,oplst1 jmp prjct table val1 dat 0, 0 val2 dat 0, 0 val3 dat 0, 0 comploc dat val3, val2 prjct slt.ab #2, round jmp hunds1 hunds0 mul.b mylst2, #100 tens0 mul.b oplst2, #10 ones0 add.b oplst1, ones0 add.b hunds0, ones0 add.b tens0, ones0 wght ldp.b ones0, wght nop >wght stp.b wght, ones0 hunds1 mul.b mylst1, #100 tens1 mul.b oplst1, #10 add.b hunds1, tens1 nop >tens1 P ldp tens1, val1 nop >tens1 S ldp tens1, val2 nop >tens1 R ldp tens1, val3 check slt.b @comploc,*comploc mov.ba comploc,comploc seq.i @comploc,table-1 jmp check,