;redcode-94m quiet ;name Withershins Thrice ;author P.Kline ;strategy once-thru 80% bomb/scan with multi-pass core-clear ;macro ;assert 1 step1 equ 11 step2 equ 12 step equ (step1+step2) dat #gate-10,clr-gate+5 ; just in case clr is decremented gate dat #gate-10,scan-(3*step2)-5 wipe4 dat #gate-10,<2667 wipe3 dat #gate-10,clr-gate+5 wipe2 spl #4000 ,clr-gate+5 ; redundant wipers wipe1 spl #5000 ,clr-gate+5 for 4 dat 0,0 rof bomb dat -step,-step dat 0,0 next add inc,@2 ; scanner bombs two and scans two locations mov bomb,@scan ; in a five-instruction loop mov bomb,*scan scan sne.x *150-step1-step2,*150-step1 djn next,#7900/(2*step) add.f scan,gate ; position for wiping inc spl #2*step,#2*step clr mov @1,>gate djn.b clr,{wipe1 ; self-decrementing pointer for 52 dat 0,0 rof for 11 dat 1,1 ; small decoy rof end next+1